Archive for October, 2009

SR&ED is Canada’s Largest Technology Incentive Program

Featured Items on October 28th, 2009 No Comments
SR&ED is Canada's Largest Technology Incentive Program.
Technology companies across Canada regularly perform work which qualifies for funding from the $4 Billion per year SR&ED program.
Bleeding edge technological advancement is not required. Much of what your company might consider routine development is actually eligible.
Contact us to arrange an assessment and determine what size refund is waiting for you.

Technology companies across Canada regularly perform work which qualifies for funding from the $4 Billion per year SR&ED program. Bleeding edge technological advancement is not required. Much of what your company might consider ‘routine development’ is actually eligible. While SR&ED eligibility is not limited to the information technology sector (development in other sectors, such as GreenTech, […]

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Shred Your Development Costs

Featured Items on October 28th, 2009 No Comments
Shred Your Development Costs.
Even if you owe no taxes, with the SR&ED program you can cut your development expenses by 30-50%.
Of the costs related to eligible work, a Canadian Controlled Private Corporation can expect to receive an annual refund cheque amounting to the sum of:
Nearly 70% of salaries,
Over 40% of contractor fees, and 
Over 20% of equipment costs.
Are you ready to shred your development costs?

Even if you owe no taxes, with the SR&ED Program, you can cut your development expenses by 30-50%. Of the costs related to eligible work, a Canadian Controlled Private Corporation can expect to receive an annual refund cheque amounting to the sum of: Nearly 70% of salaries Over 40% of contractor fees Over 20% of […]

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